Thursday, February 26, 2009

Cold Wind, Warm Hearts

This is Amanda and Ryan. They were married on Valentine's Day, in DeSoto, MO. Needless to say, being February, it was a bit chilly! But Amanda, Ryan, and the rest of the wedding party were troopers and we got some nice outdoor photos anyway. Their wedding party was very funny and energetic, so we all had a good time together.

The ring bearer, just waking up from a nap in time for pictures! His poor little lower lip was shivering out in the cold, aww.

The first dance started out like this...

...and ended up like THIS! Inspired by YouTube, Amanda and Ryan did dance moves from 20 or so famous songs/dances. The crowd LOOOOVED it!

It was wonderful working with you two. I hope every Valentine's Day is this memorable!


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