I just have a couple important notes for the upcoming months:
First: We will be unavailable from April 15th to May 2, because of our own wedding and honeymoon. I hope everyone will be understanding, since I will not be able to return calls or e-mails during that time. But I will return them VERY promptly on Apr. 30th or May 1st, when we get back. Thank you very much, in advance, for your patience. See you on the other side!
Second: May is almost completely booked with weddings, portrait sessions, and meetings. If you are looking to do a portrait session soon, it would be best to look at a day in June, or later, in order for us to get your proofs back to you in a timely fashion. Please let me know if you have any questions.
I will see you all when we get back. Portugal, here we come!
Oh, Sam would like to say something as well:
"Sam, that's not how we treat the Easter Bunny."
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